SS-Obersturmbannführer und Oberregierungsrat

* 20.05.1903 Eschenbach
+ 05.08.1968 Hechingen

Bilfinger Hermann Paul Eugen * 25.09.1868 Welzheim
Bilfinger Johanna geb. Magenau * 06.02.1876 Sersheim

die Eltern haben am 24.04.1902 in Oberstenfeld geheiratet

Bilfinger Klara * 28.03.1905 Eschenbach bei Göppingen
Bilfinger Hedwig Hildegard * 10.04.1910 Untergruppenbach

Eintritt in die NSDAP (NSDAP Nu 5892661) (SS Nu 335627)

Jurastudium in Tübingen und Berlin

Der Schutz des Kunden im Konkurs des sogen. Lokalbankiers 1932 (Dissertation)

Rechtsanwalt in Tübingen

Anfang 1934
Eintritt in den württembergischen Staatsdienst (Landratsamt Balingen)

wechsel zur Staatspolizei nach Stuttgart

versetzung Hauptamt Staatspolizei nach Berlin (RSHA)
Referat I B1 (Organisation der SiPo)

Übernahme in den Dienst der Gestapo

Ernennung zum Oberregierungsrat

Verwaltungsleiter beim Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei (BdS) in Krakau

Beförderung zum SS-Obersturmbannführer

Gruppenleiter im Amt II A (Organisation und Recht) des RSHA

Am 06.03.1942 fand in einer Nachfolgebesprechung der berüchtigten „Wannsee-Konferenz“ sie fand in Eichmanns Referat IV B 4 statt, wo auch Bilfinger teilnahm, wurde die Zwangssterilisierung der sogenannten Mischlinge I. Grades behandelt. „Es war keinesfalls beabsichtigt, die Mischlinge als dritte kleine Rasse auf die Dauer am Leben zu erhalten“, heißt es im Protokoll dieser Besprechung.

Hervorgetan hat sich Bilfinger auch beim Raub jüdischen Eigentums. Er erarbeitete hierfür die „juristischen Grundlagen“. Am 14. Mai 1942 sandte er an verschiedene NS-Ministerien, an die „Höheren SS- und Polizeiführer“, die SD-Leitstellen usw. ein Rundschreiben, in dem er verfügte: „Juden, die neben der deutschen Staatsangehörigkeit eine fremde Staatsangehörigkeit besitzen, verlieren die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit… ebenso verfällt ihr Vermögen … zu Gunsten des Reiches.“

Am 27. Oktober 1942 nahm Bilfinger zusammen mit SS-Sturmbannführer Friedrich Suhr in Anwesenheit Adolf Eichmanns an einer Folgekonferenzen der Wannseekonferenz zur „Endlösung der Judenfrage“ im RSHA teil.
Ihm gingen die Beschlüsse der Wannsee-Konferenz nicht weit genug, und er plädierte auch für die 'Ausmerzung' der 'Mischlinge'. Weiterhin wurden hier die Einzelheiten
über die Sterilisierung von „Mischlingen I. Grades“ festlegt. Danach wurden Kinder eines jüdischen Elternteiles vor die „Wahl“ gestellt, sich sterilisieren oder in ein
Konzentrationslager einweisen zu lassen.

Leiter des SD-Einsatzkommandos Toulouse

Verwaltungsleiter beim Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei (BdS) in Krakau

in Frankreich interniert

Statements by Dr. Rudolf Bilfinger
Director, Division of Administration and Law of the Sipo (Security Police - Security Police) and SD (Security Service - Security Service) in Nazi-occupied Poland, where, at the International Military Tribunal (IMT) on 18 April 1946.

SEIDL: In this case, with the permission of the court, I call witness Dr. Bilfinger.

THE PRESIDENT: Colonel Smirnov.


THE PRESIDENT: The document that you made as USSR-223, the excerpts from defendant Frank's diary is, you offer that in evidence? Apparently some of Frank's diary entries have been offered in evidence, others do not. You want to offer this into evidence?

MR. COUNSELLOR SMIRNOV: This document was already submitted in evidence by two numbers, the first number is 2233-PS, which was presented by the American prosecutor, and the second is Exhibit USSR-223, and was one of us on 15 Submitted in February, 1946.

THE PRESIDENT: I ​​understand. Do you have these entries in this document USSR-223 has been submitted? You see the PS number does not necessarily mean that the documents were offered as evidence. PS The figures have been applied to documents

before they were offered as evidence, but the USSR-223 implies that it was offered in evidence.

MR. COUNSELLOR SMIRNOV: This document has been presented already in evidence.

THE PRESIDENT: Colonel Smirnov, know what the court wants to know is whether this USSR-223 in evidence, because unless it was read, before it is not offered as evidence was, or was to the record away.

MR. COUNSELLOR SMIRNOV: We have already read an excerpt on 15 February, and it is therefore already read for the record.


MR. COUNSELLOR SMIRNOV: May I retire, Mr. President?

[The witness took the stand Bilfinger.]

THE PRESIDENT: Will you stand up, please, and you will give us your full name?

RUDOLF BILFINGER (Witness): Rudolf Bilfinger.

THE PRESIDENT: Will you repeat this oath after me: I swear to God - the Almighty and Omniscient - that I tell the whole truth - to conceal and nothing to add.
[The witness repeated the oath.]

THE PRESIDENT: You can sit down.

SEIDL: Mr. Witness, how long have you been active in the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA), and in what position?

BILFINGER: From late 1937 until early 1943, I was executive officer in the Reich Security Main Office, and later Senior Executive Council and an expert on legal issues and legal issues related to the police.

SEIDL: Is it true that on two occasions and at different times, you were chief of the "administrative and legal" department of the Commander of Security Police and SD in Krakow?

BILFINGER: Yes. In the fall of 1940 and in 1944 I was head of the department "Administration and Law" at the Commander of Security Police and SD in Krakow.

SEIDL: What were the tasks that you had at various times to meet the General Government - in broad strokes.

BILFINGER: In 1940 I had the task of taking over from the General Government a number of branches of the Police Department and work in this context, the Higher SS and Police Leader.

SEIDL: What was the legal status of the Higher SS and Police Leader, and what was his relationship with the Governor General? If the Higher SS and Police Leader received his instructions with regard to the Security Police and SD, the Governor General? Or he has received it directly from the Reichsführer SS and chief of police, that is Himmler?

BILFINGER: The Higher SS and Police Leaders from the beginning received his instructions directly from the Reichsführer SS, Himmler.

SEIDL: Is it also true that the Commander of Security Police and SD in the General Government also received direct orders and instructions from the Office IV, the Gestapo, and V by the Office, the Criminal Investigation Department in the RSHA?

BILFINGER: Yes, was the commander of the security police, many orders directly from the various departments of the RSHA, especially in Divisions IV and V.

SEIDL: Has bring the institution of the State Secretariat for Safety, which occurred in 1942, a change in the legal position of Governor-General in relation to measures of the Security Police and SD?

BILFINGER: The appointment of a Secretary of State, as such, did not alter the legal position of the Governor General or the Secretary of State. New fields of action were only at the State Secretariat for Security added.

SEIDL: Do you know of a decree of the Reich Leader SS and Chief of German Police, Himmler know, in 1939, and what were its contents?

BILFINGER: I knew of a decree, probably from 1939, with the appointment of the Higher SS and Police Leader, which would define the Higher SS and Police Leader governed receive his instructions directly from Himmler.

SEIDL: The institution of the State Secretariat of 7 Dated May 1942 and was based on a Fuehrer decree. The application of this decree said a further decree of 3 June 1942, which deals with the transmission of official business of the Secretary of State for Security. Do you know the content of this decree?

BILFINGER The main focus of the decrees that you have mentioned are known to me.

SEIDL: Is it true that on the basis of this decree, the entire political police and the criminal investigation, as was the case before were once again placed under the Secretary for Security under the Security Police?

BILFINGER: These two branches from the beginning were under the Higher SS and Police Leader, and later under the Secretary of State for Security. In this respect the decree is not to bring about a change, but was merely a confirmation.

SEIDL: Are you aware that in Appendix B of the Decree, there are 26 paragraphs in which all branches of the security police to the Higher SS and Police Leader, as Secretary of State will be transferred to security?


SEIDL: Do you know that in this decree, in Appendix B for Jewish Affairs will also be specifically mentioned?


SEIDL: Do you know that in paragraph 21 of Appendix B, it is ruled:
"The specific fields of the security police: Representation of the General Government in conferences and meetings, especially with the central offices of the empire, dealing with the above-mentioned fields."?

BILFINGER: I know that as far as concerns the feeling that such a decision was contained in it. Whether section 21, paragraph or another has been that way I do not remember formulated.

SEIDL: Is it also true that were removed on the basis of this decree, the last remnants of the police administration of the administration of the General Government and handed over to the Secretary of State for Security, which was directly under Himmler.

BILFINGER: That was the intent and purpose of this Decree. But contrary to the wording of the decree only a few branches were taken away by the Administration; about the rest later, a fight ensued. The result was that all branches of the administration of the police were taken away.

SEIDL: Witness, did the administration of the General Government have nothing to do with the creation and management of concentration camps?

BILFINGER: To the best of my knowledge, no.

SEIDL: You were with the Chief of Security Police and SD in Krakow. When did you even hear of concentration camps at Majdanek, Treblinka and Lublin for the first time?

BILFINGER: May I correct you, I was connected to the commander of the security police.

SEIDL: Yes, the commander of the security police.

BILFINGER: I heard of Majdanek near Lublin for the first time and Majdanek
Occupied by the Russians, and by

Propaganda I first heard what the name meant, Majdanek ordered, when the then governor-general Frank an investigation relating to events at Majdanek and responsibility for these events.

SEIDL: According to your own observation, generally speaking, what was the relationship between you and the Government of the Secretary-General and the SS Group Leader Kriiger, and what were the reasons for these relationships?

BILFINGER: The relations between them were very bad from the start. The reasons for this were some questions concerning the organization and deployment of the police, and some significant differences.

SEIDL: What do you mean with significant differences of opinion? Do you think different opinions about the treatment of the Polish population?

BILFINGER: I can still remember an example that handles the confirmation of the police before a military court sentences by Governor General Frank. I confirm opposition Krueger opinion, he either missed a number of sets or they eased considerably. In this context, I remember those disagreements.

SEIDL: Were these sentences were passed in connection with the so-called AB-action?

BILFINGER: I know nothing of the AB action.

SEIDL: She came later to the General Government, is not it?

BILFINGER: I came to the General Government in August 1940.

SEIDL: I have no further questions for this witness.

THE PRESIDENT: Does anyone want the defenders to ask questions?

RUDOLF MERKEL (Counsel for the Gestapo): Am I allowed a few questions for the witness?

Witness was the prosecutor determines that the state police, a group of persons in accordance with a common plan was formed, and that membership in this voluntary. Since you had a very high position in the RSHA, I ask you to tell me briefly what you know about these issues?

BILFINGER: The members of the secret state police, only a small part were volunteers. The former officials presented the officials of the former headquarters of the political department of the Commissioner of Police, the core membership of the secret state police. The various local police chief escapes were made from these former political departments of the central police headquarters, and were taken at the same time, virtually all officers from this former political divisions. In Berlin, for example, it was the Division IA of the central police headquarters.

Apart from that were in the administrative officials of other administrative authorities, handed over to the Gestapo, or were detailed to go here. Over time, people from governments and agencies have been forced to transfer to the Gestapo. For example, the entire border customs service was transferred to the Gestapo in 1944 on the orders of the leader. Around the same time the whole of the Secret Service was transferred.

During the war, many members of the Waffen-SS, which no longer were eligible for active military service were detailed in the Secret State Police. Among many people who had originally nothing to do with police work were drafted as an emergency members of the Secret State Police.

MERKEL: If I can summarize by saying that the secret police was a kingdom and authority that the German civil service law applies to its employees is that correct?


MERKEL: Was it possible for the officials of the Gestapo simply resign?

BILFINGER: It was extremely difficult and indeed impossible, withdraw from the Gestapo. You could withdraw only under very special circumstances.

MERKEL: It has been explained here in terms of the composition of the secret state police personnel that the following proportion: 20 percent of executive officers, administrators, about 20 percent, and technical staff of around 60 percent. These figures are about right?

BILFINGER: I do not have general information about the composition of the staff, but for certain offices, the more I knew the numbers would likely apply.

MERKEL: under whose authority were the concentration camps in Germany and the occupied countries?

BILFINGER: The concentration camps were under the jurisdiction of the Economics Department main office at SS Group Leader Pohl.

MERKEL: Do have to do the Secret State Police to do with the administration of concentration camps?

BILFINGER: Yes. It may be that were to be administered directly by the Gestapo for a short period at the beginning of some concentration camps here and there. That was probably the case in individual cases. But in principle, then and later, without exception, the concentration camps were administered by the Economic Administration Main Office.

MERKEL: Do you even know that orders for the liquidation, which happened in the concentration camps, gave the know?

BILFINGER: No, I do not know anything.

MERKEL: Can you say anything about the reasons for the protective custody? Due to legal regulations, which was enacted after 1933 protective custody?

BILFINGER: protective custody was revoked based on the Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State, February 1933, in which a number of fundamental rights of the Weimar Constitution were.

MERKEL: Was it after a decree by the Minister of the Interior, with the protective custody out at the end of 1936 or early 1937?

BILFINGER: is yes, then issued the protective custody law. The statutory basis, as such, remained in force. At that time, power, protective custody decree was limited to the Gestapo. Previously, a number of other offices, quite rightly or wrongly, had ordered protective custody. To prevent this, protective custody was then limited to the Gestapo.

MERKEL: Is it true that you were for some time in France. In what capacity were you there?

BILFINGER: In the late summer and autumn of 1943 I was the commander of the security police in France, in Toulouse.

MERKEL: Do you know anything about an order from the RSHA, or the Commander of Security Police of France, or from each district commanders, but from that ill-treatment or torture used when prisoners were to be interrogated?

BILFINGER: No, I do not know of such orders.

MERKEL: And how do you explain the abuses and atrocities that actually took place in connection with interrogations, evidence has been given over by the prosecution?

BILFINGER: It is possible that abuses have arisen, in a number of cases this is either found in spite of the fact that it is forbidden, or it was committed by members of the other German subsidiaries in France, which did not belong to the Security Police.

MERKEL: Did you know while you are in France, were of such abuse experienced either officially or hearsay?

BILFINGER: I never heard of such abuse at the hands of members of the German police and the German Wehrmacht. I only heard of cases of abuse of groups consisting conducted in French, who were employed by some German authorities.

MERKEL: Were there any so-called Gestapo prisons in France?

BILFINGER: No, the security police in France had no prisons of its own. They gave their prisoners to the prison camps of the German Wehrmacht.

DR Merkel: One last question: The prosecution has given evidence of a large number of crimes against humanity and war crimes that were committed with the participation of the security police. Can it be said that these crimes were perfectly clear and known to all members of the secret state police, or were these crimes only to a small circle of people who had been directly ordered to carry out the measures in question known? Do you know anything about it?

BILFINGER: I did not quite understand the question from the beginning. Were you referring to France or to the security police in general?

MERKEL: I was referring to the security police in general.

BILFINGER: No mistreatment or torture of any kind was allowed, and as far as I know nothing of the kind happened, and even less was known, in general, or to a wider circle of people. I knew nothing about them:

MERKEL: I have no further questions.

THE PRESIDENT: We will now pause for 10 minutes.

[A recess was taken.]

THE PRESIDENT: take the Prosecution wish to cross-examine? Is there anything that you want to ask from Dr. Merkel's cross-examination, Dr. Seidl?

SEIDL: I ask only one question to the witness. Witness in § 4 of the Decree of 23 June 1942 the following provision is made, and I quote:

"Be placed under the SS and Police Leader in the districts directly to the governors of the districts, as well as the Secretary of State for Security reports to the Governor-General is."

So it is not to say that the entire organization is subordinate to the police, but the Police Chief.

Now I ask you whether orders of the commanders was the Security Police and SD were issued, were forwarded to the Governors, or sent directly to the District Chief of the Security Police and SD?

BILFINGER: These orders are always sent directly from the commander of the District Chief of Security Police and SD. The commander was able to give any instructions to the governors.

SEIDL: If I understand you correctly you mean that the Security Police and SD of their own official channels that had absolutely nothing to do with the administrative structure of the General Government.


SEIDL: I have no further questions to the witness.

THE PRESIDENT: The witness can retire.
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Ein französisches Militärgericht in Bordeaux verurteilte ihn wegen seiner Tätigkeit als Gestapochef von Toulouse zu 8 Jahren Zuchthaus. Er wurde, da ihm die seit 1945 erlittene Untersuchungshaft angerechnet wurde, nach dem Urteil freigelassen

nach 1945:
Oberverwaltungsgerichtsrat beim Verwaltungsgerichtshof Baden-Württemberg in Mannheim
(Dr. Walter Hailer, Präsident des Verwaltungsgerichtshofs, erklärte, das Innenministerium sei. über Bilfingers Verurteilung und seine Tätigkeit im Dritten Reich unterrichtet gewesen)

Letzte Dienststelle
Verwaltungsgerichtshof Baden-Württemberg
wurde auf Druck der Öffentlichkeit im März 1965 suspendiert
Ausgeschieden: 31. Mai 1965